Sunday, June 27, 2010

First Dates

The introductions are usually awkward. The conversations are light and fluffy. You worry if the person across from you is having a good time. That's how it usually goes on first dates.

I've always tried to make first dates fun, hoping that will bring about a second one. It seemed easier back in the day. We'd go mini-golfing or to Grand Slam Canyon. Now that I'm older I wonder if that's still a good idea.

The thing I like most is getting to know someone new. Talking about how we got to where we are today, and where we would like to go. Sharing stories about fun times, making plans for the future. Its all really good stuff, I think.

So, dear readers, share with me some of your first date stories...the good, bad, and ugly.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


I kinda stopped writing this for a while. It was one of those things.
But I've been writing more songs, poems, and short stories. There's this other blog place I have that I'll put some of those on. Eventually. Its not like I don't have time right now.

Lately I've been trying to get my life in order. Kinda feel like I have been wasting a lot of time. So I'm back in school part time and trying to find exactly what it is I want to do in life. heh. I'm open to suggestions!

So for the 4 people who follow me and the others who just drop by: I promise to be a better blogger and writer. Just give me a little time to figure things out

Friday, February 19, 2010

The Breakup

Since this blog is mostly my thought on relationships and all, I thought we could talk a little bit about breakups.

They say that breaking up is hard to do. And now I know, I know that its true. Had to throw that in!
Sometimes you can just feel it coming. You haven't been talking as much, she's not making any time for you.
You start questioning your feelings and wondering if you should even be with them.
But breakups can also be a positive. It can lead to a time of reflection. Seeing what led to the relationship ending can help you see what areas in your life you may need to change. Other times it can lead to a nice long sulk, where no one can get you out of your funk.

I've been through both good and bad breakups. The best was when I was just sitting talking with the girl, and we both just decided that this thing wasn't working out. Heck, we're still friends. The worst? I think that was the one where I found out someone was cheating on me. I've totally forgiven that girl, though. It was years ago. Most were somewhere in the middle I guess. I tend to not take them very well at first, but I get over things kinda quickly.

While on your quest to find "THE ONE" you will probably experience this a few times. Don't let it get you down,though. It just means that there is someone better out there.

So share some stories! I'd love to hear from you guys.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Movie night

So last night some friends and I went out for movie night. Yay!
First we hit up this Thai/Chinese/all sorts of Asian food place. It was pretty good, but the waiters there took about forever.
We went to see Book of Eli. On the way into the theater I tripped on the stupid stairs and nearly spilled everything. Luckily I caught myself before serious damage was done.
The movie was pretty decent. Lots of head chopping and some f-bombs, and the guy was carrying a Bible around. Kind of weird. But I did like the kind of twist at the end, which I won't spoil. There wasn't too much to be snarky about, which is fun sometimes.

So what are some of your favorite newer movies? I love hearing from y'all.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Gah, It's been a while since my last post. Sorry about that.

I think the number one thing singles think about is dating. Who to date, worrying about rejection, whether or not it will work out, things like that. We think about all sorts of thing when we're not in relationships.
Fear of rejection is usually one of my bigger problems. Its sometimes hard to get over that, and work up the courage to ask someone out. But it is awesome when it works out. Usually. Bad dates are not fun. I've been on a couple. Once I went to a play with a girl, and there was a mix-up with the tickets. She sat two rows in front of me. Lame, right? But it made a funny story for later.
Someone has told me that I plan out the whole relationship in my head before it really starts, and that is pretty true. I'm learning not to, and to just take everything as it comes. I think that's part of maturity.
Dating is sometimes hard work. You put a lot of time and money in to it, then things can go sour. It can lead to some hurt feelings. I prefer to try and keep things on a friendly level after a break up. Sometimes ;-)
Anyway..share some stories about your dating life. The good, bad, and ugly.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Holidays

Hope everyone is having a good time over the holidays! I'm good, but caught a nasty cold. It's been fun seeing relatives and friends and all though.

So, the holiday season as a single guy can be a little rough. With lots of couples around and everyone getting gifts for their significant other, it can be intimidating.
What's always got me through it was having some good friends around. They can help lift you out of any funk.

Being around my family during this time of year also helps a lot. Coming to the house and having home cooked food ready is an awesome feeling. My dad likes to do at least two turkeys for the big meals, one smoked and one fried. I'm at that weird time of life now where my parents are more like friends.

Like most guys I know, I am terrible at giving gifts. Thank goodness for gift cards! I know they seem like a gift with no thought, but I really do think about what the person I'm giving them to needs, so that counts, right?

Anyways, hope the rest of the holiday season is awesome for you and yours.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Guy's Night

Guy's Night. To many people this probably means going to a bar or something like that. To me, its always meant going to someone's house and hanging out until we decide what we are going to do. Often, the talking is all we do.

Back in the day, we would play poker all night, or monopoly or some other board game. The best were the times when we put two monopoly boards together (joined at Go). Watching movies, or just driving up and down the Vegas strip.

My guy's nights also sometimes included at least a couple of girls. We had a couple of girls that came along with everything we did but never dated any of us. But they were "one of the guys", even if they were chicks. So its all good.

Today, guy's night is usually me and my brother or a couple of friends eating somewhere or watching a movie. I do want to get a game night together sometime, though. I need to brush up on my poker and monopoly skills.